Vevőszolgálat: 8.30-17.00, Webshop: 0-24

Szórólaptartó kosár, fém kosár, A4 méretű kosár, akasztható kosár

Porta platos, apoyo

Plate holder for table, laser cutted wood or acrylic.

Material: wood

Thickness: 3 mm

Height: 145 mm

Length of the feet: 80 mm

Holder higth: 130 mm (where the plate belong to)

Feet cross over: 100-110 mm

Diameter of the plate on the pictures: 150 mm

Diameter of the white plate on the pictures: 26 mm

Please contact us for quotation:

Labelin and engraving with our own machine park: engraving or colorfull UV LED printing

0,00 €
Precio IVA incluido Precio sin IVA 0,00 €
Disponible en 3 días

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